What are Text Ads?
Text Ads are a non-invasive, non-annoying, low-cost way to get your site in front of thousands of Flazoom.com readers. Use Text Ads to announce new projects, boost traffic to your site or just make a statement.

          For 2003 we are running the text ads service slightly differently than we did last year. This time around you buy the text ad for the remainder of the year (until December 31, 2003) and the number of available ads is limited to 100. 50% of the ads are also reserved for personal, non-corporate Flash sites - because I want to bring some of the fantastic Flash related blogs and Flash art/creativity sites to the attention of Flazoom.com's readers.

Why does Flazoom.com need Text Ads?
The easy answer is: Banner ads are really annoying. Text Ads, like Google's highly successful AdWords feature, offer low-cost highly targeted ads that are actually useful. From Flazoom.com's perspective the text ad revenue will help to cover the hosting costs of the site and provide more conference coverage over the course of the year.
How much are Flazoom.com Text Ads?
$30.00 $27.50 each. You can buy more than one if you would like your ad to appear more often but I'm limiting the number of ads that point to one domain to 10. That way no single site, company or advertiser will have more than 10% of the ads.
How did we come up with that price?
In 2002 Flazoom.com served up 3.15 million pages - while I expect that Flazoom.com will increase traffic this year the prices are based on last years traffic. With 100 ads available each ad accounts for approximately 30,000 impressions and I've cut the cost of the ads in half to $1 per thousand impressions or $2.50 per month. So for $30$27.50, you can announce new projects, articles, companies, and services to thousands of Flash developers who read Flazoom.com.
How do I get a Text Ad?
It's quite simple, just fill out the form below.
Fill in this Form:
To begin the process for receiving a Text Ad, fill in this form:

Text Ad Request Form

Your name.
Your e-mail address.
Site URL:
URL of the Text Ad link
Title of the Text Ad link
Tagline for the Text Ad.
Background Color:
Background Color for your Text Ad
Payment Method: