Foundation Flash 5
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by Amanda Farr, Patrick Rey, Sham Bhangal
Paperback - 500 pages (November 2000) - Friends of Ed
List Price: $29.99
Flazoom.com Price: $23.99
You Save: $6.00 (20%)
Book Description
Foundation Flash 5 assumes no prior knowledge of Flash or web animation. It is not however a 'make-it-simple' and 'leave-out-the-hard-bits' type of computer book. It is for serious web-designers who want to expand their skillset and learn the latest software design tools. The Foundation series does not talk down. It addresses the urgent fact that the techniques underlying the best web design are becoming ever more sophisticated. Foundation Flash 5 takes you where you need to be tomorrow.
Flash 5 for Windows and Macintosh: Visual QuickStart Guide
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by Katherine Ulrich
464 pages 3rd edition (October 13, 2000)
List Price: $21.99
Flazoom.com Price: $17.59
You Save: $4.40 (20%)
Reviewed by:
CHris MacGregor
(Flash 4 edition)
The Flash 4 Visual QuickStart Guide is the best introductory level book about Flash you can buy. The clear, simple directions will lead even the newest Flash user through the program. From creating, importing and editing graphics to entry level ActionScripting, this book has it all. Best yet, you will understand Flash better with this book than if you read Macromedia's Flash 4 Manual.
Flash 5 For Dummies
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by Gurdy Leete, Ellen Finkelstein
Paperback - 384 pages w/ CD-ROM (November 2000) - IDG Books
List Price: $24.99
Flazoom.com Price: $19.99
You Save: $5.00 (20%)
Review by:
Chris MacGregor
The Dummies line of books provides a good introduction for people who are not familliar with a program. Personally I find the books too basic, allowing one to get started, but not learn anything further than the basics. Again I suggest the Visual Quickstart guide as a better, smarter alternative.
Flash 5 For Dummies Quick Reference
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by Emily Weadcock, Glen Weadcock.
Paperback - 224 pages (November 2000) - hungry Minds
List Price: $12.99
Flazoom.com Price: $10.39
You Save: $2.60 (20%)
This book is a good reference to the different tools and script functions in Flash 5. With the quality of the Flash 5 documentation (especially the ActionScript book) the only people who will need this are those who do not own the program.
Flash 5 Visual JumpStart
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by Patrica Hartman
Paperback - 304 pages (November 2000) - Sybex, Inc.
List Price: $19.99
Flazoom.com Price: $15.99
You Save: $4.00 (20%)
No review at this time. Not to be confused with the visual QuickStart series.
Complete Idiot's Guide to Macromedia Flash 5
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by David Karlins
350 pages 1st edition (November 2, 2000) - Que
List Price: $19.99
Flazoom.com Price: $15.99
You Save: $4.00 (20%)
Book Description
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Macromedia Flash 5 teaches you the basics of using Flash 5 to create stimulating and action-packed Web pages. Whether you're a novice or more experienced user, this step-by-step, light-hearted approach will ease you into the world of Flash-y Web-page-building--with all the bells and whistles of streaming audio and video.
How to Use Macromedia Flash 5
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by Denise Tyler, Gary Rebholz
Paperback - 256 pages (November 2000)
List Price: $24.99
Flazoom.com Price: $19.99
You Save: $5.00 (20%)
Book Description
How to Use Macromedia Flash 5 visually steps the reader through everything he or she needs to know in order to create and manipulate Web images and animations. Over 100 two-page spreads illustrate and clearly explain each Flash task, from entry-level, beginning concepts to advanced techniques for experienced designers. Illustrations and figures lead the reader through each task with easy-to-follow directions and visual cues. Flash can be a somewhat intimidating program for the beginning user, but How to Use Macromedia Flash 5, with its visual, step-by-step approach, makes it simple to learn the basic techniques involved in using Flash.
Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Flash 5 in 24 Hours
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by Phillip Kerman
Paperback - 400 pages (November 17, 2000)
List Price: $24.99
Flazoom.com Price: $19.99
You Save: $5.00 (20%)
Book Description
Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Flash 5 in 24 Hours is specifically written for the new Flash user. Not a revision of a previous book, Phillip Kerman's book begins by covering the basics of Flash 5, including the use of the drawing tools, basic animation skills such as tweening, and putting together simple movies. In the second part, the book covers the more advanced techniques of Flash, including interface design, interactivity, collecting data, and delivering movies to the Internet. The final part of the book takes the reader further into the practical uses of the Flash medium, and includes chapters on developing animation skills, further uses of bitmap graphics, advanced delivery to the Web with preloaders, using Flash in the design of CD ROMs, and using Flash in conjunction with other applications.
Flash 5 Fast & Easy Web Development
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by Prima, Howie Green
Paperback - 600 pages (February 2000) - IDG Books
List Price: $24.99
Flazoom.com Price: $19.99
You Save: $5.00 (20%)
Book Description
Flash 5 is a development tool Web site designers use to build interactive, multimedia Web sites. Flash 5 Fast & Easy Web Development demonstrates the many uses for Flash technologies and provides everyday applications. It goes beyond the normal Flash tutorials, taking you through various Flash basics and then using applets on the accompanying CD to show you how they were created. Flash 5 Fast & Easy Web Development contains something for anyone wanting to create dynamic animations and graphics for the Web. Professional designers and beginners alike will profit from the straight-forward information provided in this guide to Flash technology.
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